Joel C. Rosenberg’s live webcast national town hall slated for Friday, September 11, has received an overwhelming response from churches throughout North America. In just eight weeks, more than 440 churches have signed on to carry the webcast town hall on “The Threat of Radical Islam and the Church’s Response.”
Joel C. Rosenberg’s live webcast national town hall slated for Friday, September 11, has received an overwhelming response from churches throughout North America. In just eight weeks, more than 440 churches have signed on to carry the webcast town hall on “The Threat of Radical Islam and the Church’s Response.” Radio host Janet Parshall, of Salem Radio’s “Janet Parshall’s America,” has agreed to emcee the evening’s events which includes a 30-minute preview of Rosenberg’s forthcoming documentary “Inside the Revolution,” and a Q&A with Rosenberg and Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin, former deputy undersecretary of defense intelligence and founding member of Delta Force. Webcasting live from Calvary Chapel Philadelphia from 7:00-9:00 pm EDT, the program will be broadcast on 750 radio stations in either a live or delayed format. To the evening’s line-up, Rosenberg has recently added Tom Doyle, author of two books on Israel and the Middle East, and revivalist Hormoz Shariat, a former radical Shia Muslim who became a follower of Jesus Christ after the Iranian Revolution, now has a Christian satellite ministry seen by 7-9 million Iranians every weekday night, and has been called the “Billy Graham of Iran.” A partial list of churches carrying the webcast can be found at Viewers can also watch the program for free from their personal computers. Information and a trailer of the “Inside the Revolution” documentary, which releases from Tyndale House Publishers on September 11, can be found at the film’s website. For addition information on Joel Rosenberg, visit
To schedule an interview with Joel Rosenberg or to obtain a copy of the complete poll, please contact Todd Starowitz at (630) 784-5397 or by email.